• Do you work with people who struggle with anxiety, depression, poor sleep, other mental health issues or sexual difficulties?

  • Have you ever considered that watching too much porn could cause their symptoms?

  • Are your patients/clients/colleagues/pupils concerned about arousal problems or the way they use porn?

  • Do you want to support them better?

If so, this course is for you.

This course is especially relevant for GPs, nurses, social workers, mental health professionals, psychologists, counsellors, guidance teachers, school and university counsellors, sexual health services workers, psychosexual therapists, youth workers, pharmacists, and religious ministers.

Why take this course?

You support people who struggle with mental health, problematic pornography use issues and/or sexual dysfunction symptoms

  • Mental health symptoms including anxiety, social anxiety, depression, poor sleep, lack of motivation, brain fog, constant sexual fantasy, negative body image...

  • Problematic pornography use symptoms including no interest in sex with a partner, lack of sexual satisfaction with a partner, inability to orgasm with or without porn/sex toy, delayed orgasm, erectile dysfunction, arousal dysfunction, premature ejaculation…

Scientific research has shown that problematic pornography use can be the reason behind many of these symptoms.

If you work with people who struggle with these symptoms, it’s essential that you learn how to support them effectively so they can avoid damaging consequences especially to their sexual relationships. Once you understand how pornography affects the brain, you'll be equipped to recognise its role as an underlying issue and help your patients/clients who have developed problematic pornography use.

After taking this course, you will:

  • Know when to ask questions about porn use to uncover the root causes of symptoms

  • Learn how to start a discussion around porn and the right kind of questions to ask (asking “how much porn do you watch” isn’t enough - it’s more complex than that)

  • Feel confident dealing with concerns around porn use and its consequences

  • Learn to spot the signs of sexual dysfunctions, problematic pornography use and compulsive sexual behaviour disorder in men, women and teenagers and when they are caused by porn

  • Learn about the links between porn and intimate partner violence and how to detect issues

  • Learn about teenagers’ behaviour around porn and its potential negative consequences

  • Learn how to support people in a practical way who are struggling with porn which is having a negative impact on their lives

Doctor, Stratford

“This was one of the best courses I have attended as it was all new learning for me. I was unaware of the addictive danger of internet pornography. Now I know.”

GP, Plymouth

“I learned a lot more about how pornography affects mood, behaviour and relationships.”

"It was a new area, particularly relevant to my population. I got insight into a whole new aspect of discussing depression. I will ask about porn use now!"

"I now have the confidence to ask about porn, particularly when people present with other issues."

An evidence based approach

  • This course is evidence-based and is supported by a large amount of scientific research.

  • It was developed with world-leading clinicians and academics and draws on their knowledge and experience.

  • All the research used is referenced in the course.

Meet the experts

Mary Sharpe

CEO, The Reward Foundation

Dr Donald Hilton


Dr Helen Bichard


Dr Mateusz Gola

Psychologist and neuroscientist

Dr Stefanie Carnes

President of the International Institute of Trauma and Addiction Professionals

Dr Gunter De Win

Assistant professor in urology, medical education and evidence based medicine

Dr Hilarie Cash

Clinical psychologist and author

Anastasia Sprout

Sex addiction expert, educator and author

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction by Mary Sharpe, CEO, course instructor

    2. Expert advisors

    3. Training Provider

    1. Introduction

    2. Learning objectives

    3. History of pornography use

    4. Typical patterns of pornography user behaviour

    5. Nomenclature

    6. Trauma in childhood

    7. Impact of pornography

    8. Neurosurgeon Don Hilton and two young men with problematic pornography use

    9. Answers to quiz

    10. Prevalence of pornography use

    11. How much pornography is too much?

    12. Issues linked to pornography use

    13. World Health Organization diagnostic criteria for CSBD

    14. Pornography related issues in the other main diagnostic manual

    15. Dr Mateusz Gola discussing CSBD

    16. Dr Gola discussing CSBD quiz

    17. Addiction process - brain changes

    18. Addiction - related brain changes in detail

    19. Almost half of porn users escalate (tolerance)

    20. A typical escalation pattern is reported by this young man on NoFap...

    21. Pornography viewing outside stated sexual identity

    22. Internet porn is free, but kids are paying the price - Age Verification

    23. ISSM on Problematic Pornography Use and Sexual Dysfunctions

    24. Change in culture as regards women

    25. Limbic resonance

    26. References for 'The basics'

    1. Introduction

    2. Learning objectives

    3. I just have an addictive personality!

    4. Addictive personality quiz

    5. Pre-existing condition?

    6. Perhaps I have performance anxiety?

    7. Latest screening tools for CSBD

    8. Screening tools quiz

    9. Time to start thinking about pre-addiction?

    10. Permissive sexual attitude was strongest predictor of PPU, not religiosity

    11. How long does it take for CSBD to develop?

    12. Developing CSBD quiz

    13. Testing for Problematic Pornography Use

    14. Brief Pornography Screener

    15. Brief Pornography Screener download

    16. Screening tools for women

    17. Screening tools for women quiz

    18. Screening for CSBD in women

    19. Sexual minorities and CSBD

    20. Sexual minorities and CSBD quiz

    21. Need for flexibility in screening for certain groups

    22. Need for flexibility in screening for certain groups quiz

    23. Screening tools used in internet addiction rehab centre

    24. CSBD and neurodevelopmental conditions

    25. Screening tools for neurodiverse individuals

    26. Neurodiverse screening tools quiz

    27. Potential for escalation to Child Sexual Exploitation Material (CSEM)

    28. Study by Professor De Win

    29. Cyber Pornography Addiction Test - CYPAT

    30. CYPAT quiz

    31. International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF- 5) Questionnaire

    32. Asking about pornography use

    33. Guidance on asking about porn use

    34. Asking about porn quiz

    35. Screening for ED in people not having partnered sex

    36. Screening for ED in people not having partnered sex quiz

    37. References for 'Screening tools for CSBD and sexual dysfunctions'

    1. Introduction

    2. Learning objectives

    3. Men's perceptions of pornography as an issue

    4. Common sexual dysfunctions in men

    5. What is problematic pornography use doing to the brain?

    6. Recent research linking pornography consumption and sexual dysfunction in men

    7. Situational ED in younger men

    8. Situational ED quiz

    9. Other highlights from the Jacobs et al (De Win) study

    10. Sexual minorities

    11. Sexual minorities quiz

    12. The Chemsex Study

    13. Is the ED just the result of a long refractory period?

    14. Refractory period quiz

    15. Porn is a part of a complex mix of factors underlying ED

    16. Asking about porn use

    17. When to refer to a specialist?

    18. Diagnostic approaches quiz

    19. Is Internet Pornography Causing Sexual Dysfunctions? A Review with Clinical Reports

    20. Porn-induced arousal dysfunction (MS direct to camera)

    21. Sexual dysfunctions in older, healthier men

    22. Sexual dysfunctions in older, less healthy men

    23. Potential for escalation to child sexual exploitation material (CSEM)

    24. Vulnerability of the neurodiverse individual

    25. References for 'Sexual dysfunctions in men who are pornography users'

    1. Introduction

    2. Learning objectives

    3. Rise in prevalence of pornography use

    4. Rise in prevalence of pornography use quiz

    5. WHO definition of sexual health

    6. Pornography and violence against women

    7. Pornography use by young women

    8. Pornography use by young women quiz

    9. Mental health effects

    10. Mental health effects quiz

    11. Further mental health issues

    12. Age group prevalence and treatment seeking

    13. Age group prevalence and treatment seeking quiz

    14. CSBD in young women

    15. CSBD in young women quiz

    16. Jace Downey, recovering porn addict

    17. Trauma and/or pornography addiction?

    18. Trauma and/or pornography addiction quiz

    19. Physical health risks

    20. Rough sex and BDSM

    21. Billie Eilish on pornography

    22. Sexology research on sexual strangulation

    23. References for 'Sexual dysfunctions in women who are pornography users'

    1. Introduction

    2. Learning objectives

    3. How pornography influences relationships

    4. How pornography influences relationships quiz

    5. Gina on ex-husband's addiction

    6. Pornography watching and couples

    7. Pornography watching and couples quiz

    8. Pornography and married people’s satisfaction with sexual life

    9. Wives' experience of husbands' secret pornography use

    10. Dealing with disclosure

    11. Are Pornography Users More Likely to Experience a Romantic Breakup?

    12. Men in a heterosexual couple who fantasize about men

    13. Pornography and heterosexual women’s intimate experiences with a partner

    14. Pornography’s impact on strangulation

    15. Pornography's impact on sexual strangulation quiz

    16. Women and anal sex

    17. Health issues with anal sex - BMJ editorial

    18. My partner, a rapist?

    19. References for 'Pornography use in stable couples'

About this course

  • £120.00
  • 3.5 hours of video lessons
  • Interactive quizzes and reading
  • Total learning time: 6 hours

Who are we?

The Reward Foundation

The Reward Foundation is a health education charity established in 2014. We focus on internet pornography and its impact on mental and physical health, relationships, productivity and criminality. We make scientific research around pornography accessible to non-scientists and scientists so everyone is aware of the risks and solutions.

As seen in

The Times, The Sunday Times, The Guardian,The Telegraph, The Daily Mail , The Mail on Sunday, The Sunday Post, The Herald, The Scotsman, BBC Radio 4 PM, LBC, BBC Scotland and more.

Thinking about buying this course for a group?

If you would like more than five people in your organisation to take this course, we offer group discounts. For groups of 6-9 people - £100/person, 10+ people - £90/person. Get in touch at at [email protected] to request a group discount.